Truest Viṣṇu is such a colorful Deity, with many forms (usually called avatāras or incarnations), a good number of Whom are animals. Some favorites are: Kṛṣṇa (the dancer, the cowherd), Who is associated with the qualities of compassion, tenderness, and love; the wakeful Buddha, Who puts meditative awareness in its place for hundreds of millions here on Earth; the swinish God Varāha, Who saves his true love Bhūmi (Mother Earth) from subtlety (the Garbhodaka Ocean); Kalki Who appears at the end of time to clean up what we made of our selves down here; testudinal Kūrma being the fortress upon Whose back the churning of the Milky (Kṣirodaka) Ocean gave us a number of divine personalities, including: Dhanvantari, our Deity of health, Who arises from the churning of that Kṣirodaka Ocean; and Vāmana, the dwarf Whose three steps bring the quality of Heaven into this very world to save our humilities from mere nether. So many of us worship Him (Viṣṇu) in all His glorious sanctity.
These are planetary level manifestations of Godliness. When I say planetary, I should distinguish that many of us live here on Earth but at the lunar parallel. There are many dimensions down here whose values are just what the value of life would be for those who live on the Moon. Then there are sacred dimensions above ours, yet here with Earth, whose values and pleasures are much greater than ours are.
Viṣṇu with His Lakṣmī are such Whose quality and quantity of love together sanctify the lives and loves of Their worshippers down here, worshippers like myself as Agni with my Svāhā. Above Them in Solar Heaven proper are even truer Gods and Goddesses, and monotheism recognizes the significance of the Goddess Sītā with Her beloved Rāmā. Where I elaborated some of the avatāras of Viṣṇu, there is also a greater design to the “arms” of Whom Sītā-Rāmā are.
I've shared some of the story of Saraṇyū thanks to my research with Sītā-Rāmā, and it is also said research that gave me the story of Svāhā and Agni. At a lower level of Christhood, before some degree of ascension work, I was told that Christ and Brahmā were alter-egos in a 26,000 year cycle of base-level political authority together. Now I find that Brahmā is distinct from the Christ, Jesus being more the Vedic god Agni than he is Brahmā, where their Gods Śiva and Viṣṇu incarnate around the two of them.
Really, I think a lot of the integrity of personality in my way of thinking of Viṣṇu has to do with my commitment to Lord Rāmā. Probably if I were less a devotee of Rāmā's simplicity I could have worshipped aspects of Viṣṇu as being more distinct from one another. I would have believed myself to be Brahmā, lower self of Viṣṇu, above Whom is Rāmā, while many Gods around us would have been thought of separately, including the likes of Agni, Sūrya, Kṛṣṇa, and some of the popular Deities that this degree of monotheism brings together into one personality.